======Scripture====== ~~NOTOC~~ **The setting of this game is irrelevant.** Players will have a simple task - find and defeat the antagonist. Not all is as it seems. ---- //A man tries to run through the Swamp. With each step the mud tries to swallow his feet, unwilling to let go of this prey. He struggles, his feet sinking deeper with every metre he manages to move. The distant thump of inhuman steps reminds him of why he can't stop. He doesn't need to look behind him to know what he would see. A large murky form, barely perceptible in the dim greens and browns of the Swamp. Black impenetrable scales adorn its large body and dull white teeth make clear the beast's ferocity. It isn't fast, but it doesn't need to be - it just needs to be faster than a man struggling in the viscous swamp mud. Slowly but surely, the thump grows louder while the man's steps turn slower. He's doomed... Or at least he would would be if not for the armoured knight approaching him. They bring a small piece of paper out from their satchel and read it aloud:// \\ //"And the mud swallowed my enemies and became as water to my allies!"// \\ //The small Note shrank into nothingness and it was made so. The beast sank beneath the sea of brown and green, while the man was finally freed from the clutches of the Swamp. The man is elated, the knight is not. This is the fifth time this has happened just this week.// //The bustle of a market and the serenity of a holy place are made one at the temple. Acolytes and common people wander the halls, speaking in whispers. Worries are exchanged among them, tales of heroism too. But all of this is no more than superficial talk, for everyone comes here with a deeper purpose. A few figures stand out. One wears a blindfold and babbles of things that no one seems to understand. Another smoulders, his skin pulsing with heat. A quiet one stares at the proceedings intently, scribbling down notes on a scroll almost as long as their beard. They are gods. Gods that walk amongst mortals. Gods that provide boons with their unending powers. Gods that give trials and missions in exchange for their help.// \\ //An uneasy look adorns all of the gods' faces. Something worries these powerful beings.// //A cruel and vicious woman stares mockingly at the proceedings in the King's palace. As each person presents their problems and suggestions to the King, they can't help but nervously glance towards her. They know that beneath that smile are terrifying plots and terrible consequences. The might of armies, the hidden daggers of assassins and the prowess of an entire empire seem to coalesce in the form of this woman. A piercing laugh puts a stop to what everyone is doing. All eyes affix themselves to her, yet she seems not to care, leisurely strolling out of the palace. It is not until the sound of her boots clashing against stone fades away completely that the proceedings resume. Still, the echo of her laughter seems to haunt the halls long after - everyone knows that something bad is coming their way. Soon.// //A crowd looks up at the King as he gives his speech. More and more monsters threaten the people of Ytic with every coming day. The plots of an enemy nation grow more twisted and tangled. A Renegade with stolen Notes spreads chaos across the city. The Royal Guard are no longer enough to keep the peace. The people will be given the tools they need to help save the city themselves.// ++++ARE YOU WILLING TO FULFIL YOUR DUTY?| Welcome to the world of //Scripture// where magic, conflict and secrets are aplenty! As players you will take on the role of citizens of Ytic struggling to keep the various threats encroaching on the city at bay. Meanwhile, you'll also be busy piecing together various clues to figure out what the truth behind everything is. The GM team hope that you will enjoy exploring the setting, and welcome you to submit a character if you want to jump in. Please feel free to shoot any questions to Scripture GM team. //Scripture// will take place in 3 parts: * **Uptime** in which players roleplay their characters’ interactions and describe their actions over Discord text channels in real time. This will include the opportunity to participate in short, GM-moderated adventures. * **Downtime**, which consists of: * **Emails**, using the game's email system, in which players may continue to communicate after Uptime has ended until an hour before the Turnsheet deadline. This may be used for last minute planning before writing Turnsheets, as well as any other communication or roleplay players wish to engage in. Players are asked to not use any other means for IC communication during downtime, as GMs are able to read all emails sent via this system. This is important for the moderation of the game. * **Turnsheets**, in which players submit a summary of what they plan to achieve during Downtime to the wiki. This will be read by the GM team who will provide a written response before the next session. * If you have never used Discord before, we suggest reading Discord Basics. * For specifics on our use of Discord for uptime, see Uptime on Discord. * For details on turnsheets, see Downtime, Emails and Turnsheets. The **Overview** section of the sidebar offers access to important out-of-character information about the game:\\ * Check out Style and Tone to get a better feel for what this game is about and what you can expect from it going forward\\ * If you're unsure of any particular terms, visit the Glossary to find their definitions\\ * It is recommended that you have a look at the [[CAT Policy]] to get a feel for what themes may or may not feature in the game The **Setting** section of the sidebar contains pages with information about various aspects of the world //Scripture// takes place in:\\ * Have a look at Magic for an overview of the game world and The Kingdom for a description of where in that world the game will be taking place\\ * Have a glance at Unrest to see the King's speech, which serves as an explanation of the current state of the world and what players' part in that will be The **System** section of the sidebar contains pages with information about how to create your character and major mechanics that will be present in the game:\\ * A good place to start would be the Character Creation page, where you can find the link to the character submission form and the information you will need to provide about your character\\ * Both the Quirks and Notes pages expand on vital mechanics that you will need to familiarise yourself with to create a character and that will be important throughout the game The **Info** section of the sidebar contains pages with general out-of-character information about the game\\ The **Playing the Game** section of the sidebar contains pages with information about how (practically speaking) the game will run:\\ * If you find yourself struggling with navigating the wiki, Intro to the wiki system is a good page to check for advice\\ * It is recommended that you have a glance at Discord Basics if you haven't roleplayed on Discord before (even if you know how to use the application) An important first thing to note if you're a new player: you don't need to read this entire website! There's a lot of material here, and you certainly don't need to know all of it to start playing. Read only what interests you and what's relevant to a character you might like to play -- you will find a guide to sections of the website and what they tell you below. For all players though we recommend reading the rest of this page, reading the Style and Tone for how we expect playing the game to feel, and reading the [[CAT policy]] for what themes are allowed in the game. As GMs, we would be delighted to have any new players on board, and would like to reassure you that being new should be no barrier to participation! You are always more than welcome to [[gm@scripture.oxfordrpg.com|email the GM Team]] with any questions or concerns you may have, and we are certain that older players will also be happy to provide any guidance once //Scripture// is underway. We hope you enjoy! As a GM team, we aim to accommodate the accessibility needs of everyone interested in playing //Scripture//. We have considered accessibility while setting up the game, but we are very aware that everyone's needs are unique, so please reach out if we can do anything to make the game more accessible to you. Although sometimes it might not be possible for us to accommodate all accessibility needs, we encourage anyone with concerns about accessibility to contact us, and we will do our best to help! This wiki uses many formatting elements that work best in the 'mikio' template and so this has been set as the default template. We strongly recommend that players use this template, as certain parts of the wiki may break if the 'dokuwiki' template is used. Nonetheless, if you find that the the 'mikio' template doesn't work for you, you can switch to the default 'dokuwiki' template by clicking selecting it in the box at the top-right corner of every wiki page (shown below).\\ {{:accesibility1.png?nolink}} You can check out Accessibility for more information about this topic. ++++