Atlas' Shoulders
- New story
- Awaiting input
Nothing could be more important to a story than its plot. The way it flows from tragedy to comedy, from fantasy to sci-fi! A river full of places, backstories and troubles, all coming together to form a raging current that entrances the reader. The rumbling of these textual waters drowns out the world around and submerges you. You flow along the current, you feel the story twist and turn, you feel emotions seeping out of you in these tempestuous rapids.
- Generating locations
- Generating location names
- Adjusting names to setting:Fantasy
- Setting access permissions
- Formatting title (size:14,underline:true)
Nothing could be more important to the story than its characters. No greater vessel can be found for the reader. Where else in a story can the reader place themselves, place their emotions, except for in the characters. Whether it is hate, love, sympathy or disgust, all gravitate towards the actors of this world. Because readers are creatures of habit, of familiarity, the vessel to evoke their empathy must be akin to them, and to their world. Without a vessel how would readers ever pass the gates of disbelief?
- Generating characters
- Setting profile pictures
- Naming NPCs
- Randomizing pronouns
And yet, whether it be plot or personage, they rest on structure. No shoulders wearier exist than those of structure. What purpose is there to a plot that cannot unfold? What readers could find likeness in characters untold?
- Toggling GM permissions
- Opening access to wiki
- Sending out player invitations
- Beginning the story